And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Genesis 1:29 KJV

Pink Oyster Mushrooms grown by Rick

We are a Florida Not-for-Profit Corporation.

Genesis 1:29 Project was founded to teach and instruct people how to transition from the unhealthy Standard American Diet (SAD) to a healthier plant centered lifestyle in conformity with scriptural principles.

This transition is accomplished by using herbs, fruits, vegetables, and other plants; with and emphasis on growing your own plants and creating herbal medicine. This is accomplished by teaching others to embrace a healthy self-sufficient life style, and teaching them to grown their own herbal remedies.

We eventually plan on teaching glasses in growing herbs and setting up your own herb garden, on food storage, and herbal medicine making. Our desire is to help others learn about healthy, biblical herbal lifestyles.

Our goal in being a not-for-profit corporation is that we will able to provide a lot of our teaching and instruction for free or as scholarships.

We also have plans to shortly starting to make our own herbal teas, ointments and tinctures from the herbs we grow here in our home food forest. A lot of funds from our products will be applied to teaching others about how to grow and make their own herbal medicines.

Please check back regularly as our products should be available soon.

Fresh papaya from our trees.