Getting Healthy

One of the biggest things we have been working at for the past couple of years is getting healthier. Several years ago Rick was diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, he had extreme food allergies, a chronic cough, and had diabetic neuropathy in his feet. His doctor prescribed him all kinds of pharmaceuticals. We were both extremely over weight, and Christina was chronically tired all the time. We realized if we did not do something drastic we were not going to be around to enjoy our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren for too many more years. We also came to realize that some of the pharmaceuticals Rick was on have very serious side effects with long term, prolonged usage. At that time. Rick began studying herbs for health and healing and he found Traditions School of Herbal Studies in St. Petersburg, Florida. Thus began our journey of getting healthier together. Through herbs, a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating we have both lost about 50 lbs each. Rick is now off all pharmaceuticals. He has lowered his blood sugar levels to below diabetic, the neuropathy in his feet is almost completely healed, he does not have to manage his blood sugar daily, he no longer has a chronic cough, only has occasional seasonal allergies to pollen, oak and pine trees, and he has lowered his blood pressure. Christina has more energy and not chronically tired all the time. We have accomplished this through consuming herbs we grow in our yard and through healthy eating, (lots of greens, berries, apples, and eliminating sugar from our diet). We are starting to make herbal teas and herbal tinctures. We will be producing herbal saves and ointments, and putting our Moringa and other home grown herbs in capsules. We love to share our adventure into health with others and assist them in getting healthier.


Rick’s Graduation from Traditions School of Herbal Studies. Rick is on the far left.